Take a chance in life!


having a heart and being afraid to love someone,
is like having wings and being afraid of heights..!
Take a chance in life!


so lose not heart,
nor fall into despair,
for you will be superior
if you are in faith
(QS 3: 139)



Life is special
enjoy it one step
at the time..

An Maharani Bluepen
Get your  spirit!!
15 Sya'ban 1433 H

Read Users' Comments (4)

4 Response to "Take a chance in life!"

  1. Dini Haiti Zulfany, on 6 Juli 2012 pukul 10.12 said:

    yup.. life is, basically, simple :)

  2. Ririe Khayan, on 6 Juli 2012 pukul 12.30 said:

    Life is about how to make the right choose. Kalau punya sayap tapi takut ketinggian gimana dunk?

  3. An, on 17 Juli 2012 pukul 19.19 said:

    mrs.simple ^___^
    i think life is complicated, sist...

  4. An, on 17 Juli 2012 pukul 19.20 said:

    pegangan benda di sekitarnya, mbak ^_^
    lihatlah bagaimana cara burung terbang..
    mereka mengambil kesempatan terbang dengan melawan segala rasa ketakutan terhadap ketinggian...

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